Basic Sustainability Policy and Materiality

Our Approach to Sustainability

The business philosophy of the Yoshinoya Holdings Group, “For the People,” holds that companies exist to serve the needs of society and to contribute to the greater happiness of mankind. To ensure that we put this into practice, we emphasize environmental (E), social (S), and governance (G) perspectives throughout our business activities.

Various issues have emerged in recent years concerning the environment and society. Addressing these issues has become an important management theme for the Group, particularly given that our operations extend around the world. By promoting ESG management, the Group strives to address environmental and social issues, working with our stakeholders to realize a sustainable society.

Under our long-term vision “NEW BEGINNINGS 2025,” the Group is committed to creating new markets and delivering value that will redefine the restaurant industry. Redefining the restaurant industry means replacing our existing business model. We must create a new business model that we can operate over the long term to drive robust, sustainable growth. The continuity of our business depends on this shift.

Our long-term vision positions this redefining of the restaurant industry as its basic policy. It includes many themes that also relate to the achievement of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). We will focus the efforts of our entire Group on carrying out this vision.

Sustainability promotion system

A system led by the Group Planning Department is in place for groupwide promotion of sustainability. Through this system, promotion departments relevant to our five material issues plan and draft policies and measures, which are then discussed with all executive members and department heads of the Group at group-wide meetings, Group Strategy Council meetings, and department heads meetings. The results are reported and submitted to the Board of Directors. Discussions and exchanges of opinions were held on our Basic Sustainability Policy and five material issues in FY2021 and on human capital management in FY2022 at meetings attended by not only the Board members but also the all the executives and department heads of the Group. By having executives and department heads participate in discussions, we ensure that the entire organization, rather than only the promotion departments, takes charge of efforts toward sustainability. This sustainability promotion system is woven into our organizational culture and business processes, helping us realizing the corporate mission of fulfilling our social responsibility. We will maintain a positive and continuous commitment to a sustainable business to make society better.

Sustainability promotion system


Based on the Yoshinoya Holdings approach to sustainability, we aim to address recent changes in the social environment and social demands as we work to further enhance our corporate value. We have therefore clarified the relationship between our business activities and social issues from an ESG perspective. We have identified material issues that contribute to the realization of sustainable corporate growth and a sustainable society.

Materiality process

Materiality process

Our Materiality

Our Materiality

Materiality distribution

Materiality distribution

Five Materiality KPIs and related SDGs

Materiality and the role we want to play

Materiality Contributing to the SDGs Role we want to play (The company we want to become) FY2022 activities FY2023 policies
Creating a diverse and inclusive workplace and a wide range of people can perform at their best    As a company, we pursue the value and joy that comes from interactions between people. We will focus on improving our working environment, ensuring diversity, and developing our talent. After reviewing the results of organizational culture assessments, Yoshinoya formed a Corporate Culture Enhancement Committee to boost internal communication, which has changed during the COVID-19 pandemic. This has led to the launch of a new program that helps employees build mentoring relationships with managers in other departments to reduce their workplace stress.
  • Make progress in diversity and inclusion
  • Promote work-life balance
  • Develop human resources and support career development
Realizing fulfilling lifestyles by delivering the joy and health of food to everyone    We help make lifestyles more fulfilling by providing food that offers unbeatable value and by developing products that contribute to safety and health. The Group launched “Tokugyu Salacia Premium,” a frozen beef bowl topping approved as a food for specified health uses (FOSHU), becoming the first food service chain to obtain FOSHU approval.
  • Provide health value based on scientific evidence and data through joint study with academia
  • Conduct research to introduce alternative protein (protein food ingredients)
  • Obtain Smart Meal certification
Contributing to the development of local communities by developing our global business    We contribute to the development of local communities. Through the stores we establish around the world, we provide high-quality services and food culture and promote job creation. The Group made a line of nursing-care beef products available in retort pouches stored at room temperature to sell at hospitals and started selling Soft Beef Bowl Toppings as a food for nursing care at Tokushimaru mobile supermarkets.
  • Create local jobs through Group outlet openings
  • Continue meal support for children’s cafeterias
  • Expand the sales channels for nursing-care beef products, canned meals, etc.
Building a sustainable supply chain through co-creation with suppliers   We will work with our suppliers to realize a sustainable supply chain through environmentally and socially responsible procurement. The Group continued procurement that was stable enough in both quality and quantity to maintain outlet operations in each business. This was achieved by securing a preferential supply of food materials based on long-term close relationships with suppliers, while hedging risks by purchasing from multiple sources through trading companies and wholesalers.
  • Reduce procurement costs and increase operational efficiency
  • Maintain stable procurement and ensure quality and safety of food materials
  • Improve logistics by participating in the White Logistics Movement
  • Prevent illegal labor and violations of human rights
Responding to climate change through environmentally friendly business activities    We will implement measures to reduce our environmental impact with food loss reduction and cost reduction, maintaining a balance between preserving the environment and driving economic growth. The Group started a pilot project for voluntary collection and recycling of waste PET resin in the Kansai region, where it operates an in-house distribution center. The aim is to reduce waste disposal costs by recycling waste plastic containers from outlets, including used containers of beef bowl sauce, soy sauce, and other seasonings, as well as empty drink bottles.
  • Reduce food loss and recycle food
  • Comply with environmental laws and regulations
  • Consider introducing renewable energy